Elixir of Light Qi Gong
What is Qi Gong (or Chi Gong)?
Qi (chi) is the energy and life force that runs through every living thing.
Gong: is the path or the way
Therefore, qi gong is the way of directing and flowing with energy and life force.
Is Qi Gong for you?
- would you like more energy on a daily basis?
- do you require some healing right now?
- would you like to feel more mobile and fluid in your body?
- do you have a hard time meditating?
- would you like to cultivate vitality, love or wisdom for your life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions - then Qi Gong is for you!
Who is able to do Qi Gong?
Any person of any age is able to do some form of Qi Gong. The movements are gentle and easy to learn; and this specific form of Qi Gong is light and even fun.
Qi Gong - INTRODUCTION class Saturdays, November 14 - 10:00am - 1:00pm
Cost: $100 - snacks and handouts included
Please register at the front desk 902-423-1935 or at
Dr. Desneiges is a certified instructor in the Elixir of Light Qi Gong, taught by Qi Gong Master Robert Peng.
Robert Peng is a world-renowned Qigong Master, healer, and author of “The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom.” (The courses are based on this book)
Robert Peng was born and raised in Hunan, China. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary Shaolin monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skill. For more information about Robert, please visit:
Thriving in the world with a Sensitive System
This is for you, if you;
• Are you empathic?
• Suffer from anxiety?
• Get overwhelmed easily?
• Have you been told you are sensitive
or “too sensitive”?
• Pick up on other people’s “stuff”?
Advanced Classes 2, 3 and 4 are for people looking for more in depth tools. Who want to learn how to identify and manage their sensitivities and anxieties… and learn how to use them as assets to thrive in the world.
These classes will use a lot of practical exercises that you can take home and use in your daily life. 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes are;
Saturdays October 24th, Nov 7th & 21st
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm each Saturday
Cost: $250
*** This course may be available through Zoom conferencing if there’s enough interest.
Sign up at 902-423-1935 or