Office News

The Inner Ocean Team would like to wish everyone a wonderful, peaceful and rejuvenating Holiday Season!!

May you complete all that needs to be done for 2024 as you usher in a new energy for 2025. 

The reception desk - and most of our therapists - are taking a well deserved break from December 21 to January 6. If you have an appointment and need to reach your therapist - please refer to your confirmation or reminder email for their direct contact information.  

We will see you all in the New Year!!!


Health Canada 

Thank you to and for the write up below. 




Alarm Bells In Health Policy

Health Canada is implementing what they call the Self-Care Framework. When fully implemented most of our natural health products will be gone. The natural health practitioners we rely on will also be gone. Health Canada will be responsible for people losing their livelihoods and their lives. In the meantime, prices for products that are important for health are going to skyrocket.

Health Canada’s recent initiatives are on track to seriously dismantle the natural health landscape in Canada.

These initiatives encompass the introduction of hefty fees, stringent demands for evidence not appropriate for Natural Health Products (NHPs), restrictions on labeling and the dissemination of truthful product information, and the inappropriate application of Vanessa’s Law to NHPs.

The implications of these actions are dire:

NHP manufacturers and distributors facing closure, natural health stores unable to compete with U.S. price points, healthcare practitioners limited in their tools to practice due to fewer products on the Canadian market, and consumers facing reduced NHP access, hiked prices, and restriction in their freedom of choice in healthcare.

As you may know, these sections, embedded within the annual budget bill, redefine natural health products and subject the entire industry to heightened regulation and excessive fines up to $5,000,000 per day, by moving them fully into the therapeutic products category, alongside chemical drugs.




Support Bill C-368 to repeal Sections 500-504 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (formerly Bill C-47).
This Budget Bill (C-47) contained several sections that will significantly limit the availability of natural health products in Canada.

Please read the full crisis summary here: 


Take a moment to support the repeal of Sections 500-504 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (formerly Bill C-47)


1. Sign the e-petition online here:

2. Support the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) here:

3. Educate yourself: 

4. Write a letter to your MP and apply pressure.
Here you can find a tool kit and templates:

Don’t forget.. every time you take action you are part of the solution.

Your voice matters!





Stress, Anxieties and the Empathic Heart - Talk Nov 21!

Pulling from her years as a nervous system focussed chiropractor, trauma practitioner and Heartmath health professional, Dr. Desneiges explains in clear and  concise ways what you really need to know about how stress works, when it doesn't work, how is it useful, and how is it detrimental... plus a whole section on how to overcome your anxieties and stressors and make your life enjoyable again. 

Register with reception at or 902-423-1935


We have a new Counselling Therapist starting at the end of September.

Please meet Erin Rose, CCC, RCT-C

Erin holds a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University as well as a Bachelor of Social Work from Dalhousie University. She is a Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC) with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and a Registered Counselling Therapist Candidate (RCT-C) with the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists. She has experience working with adults recovering from substance abuse. She also has experience working with youth and families related to issues of abuse/neglect, parenting skills, intimate partner violence, and mental illness.  Erin’s experience working with families and individuals in crisis ignited her motivation to pursue a career in counselling. She provides space and safety for individuals to explore difficulties and heal their lives. 

Erin uses an integrated approach to counselling, drawing on a range of interventions and strategies including Mindfulness, CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and Energy Psychology. Her work focuses on resolving blocks and limiting beliefs to support clients in achieving their potential and investing in creating their life.  Erin is a certified Logosynthesis practitioner which is a form of energy psychology. Logosynthesis is a model of healing and development that uses the power of words to initiate psychological and energetic shifts, releasing frozen energy and restoring vitality and connection. Erin works with adults (18+) who may be experiencing  distress related to anxiety, depression, life transitions, grief and loss, communication and interpersonal relationships, PTSD, traumatic events, addictions, parenting challenges, and anyone seeking personal growth.


"Logosynthesis is an integrative, energy-based model being used in psychotherapy, counselling and coaching to support healing and development. It can also be learned for self-coaching. The model supports people in healing traumatic memories, resolving limiting beliefs, relieving fearful fantasies and finding meaning in life. Logosynthesis contains a theoretical model, a basic attitude, principles of effectiveness and concrete interventions or protocols. Logosynthesis offers a simple and powerful technique that can be used routinely to resolve distressing issues." Logosynthesis International Association (LIA).

Erin will be in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in person, but is also available for online sessions. 

We will have updates and more information as she gets settled. 

Stress, Anxieties and the Empathic Heart.

Pulling from her years as a nervous system focussed chiropractor, trauma practitioner and Heartmath health professional, Dr. Desneiges explains in clear and  concise ways what you really need to know about how stress works, when it doesn't work, how is it useful, and how is it detrimental... plus a whole section on how to overcome your anxieties and stressors and make your life enjoyable again. 

Register with Lucy at or 902-423-1935

Awakening the Sacred Feminine 


Come be bathed in the powerful expansiveness of the Sacred Feminine.

In this guided circle, we use body movement, breathing practices, meditation and a sound bath with crystal bowls and gongs to support you to open your heart and body to attune to the Sacred Feminine Energy. We will activate those energy centres so you can embody and live energized by this sacred energy. 

There is also time for journaling, integration and sharing. You leave with practices that support you to continue to attune to and deepen your relationship with the Sacred Feminine.


What is the Sacred Feminine?: The Sacred Feminine is the fierce, strong energy that allows a person to love deeply, care compassionately and yet be soft and kind in a secure, confident way. It fosters an acceptance of self/Self and a feeling of connection to all/All. 


The next Awakening the Sacred Feminine circle,  hosted by Anne Desneiges and Katharina Reed will be:

 Sunday, February 21, 2024 

 Location: Our Celtic Hearth in Grand Pre, NS. 

 Time: 10.00am - 4:00 pm 

Fee: $197.00 (including HST)

Register: please contact Katharine:

 or for more information, visit:




New TEXT capabilities!

Inner Ocean now has its own text number. 

If you are running late, or need to get hold of someone right away, you can text us at 902- 219-7706



Awakening the Sacred Feminine 

Come be bathed in the powerful expansiveness of the Sacred Feminine.

In this guided circle, we use body movement, breathing practices, meditation and a sound bath with crystal bowls and gongs to support you to open your heart and body to attune to the Sacred Feminine Energy. We will activate those energy centres so you can embody and live energized by this sacred energy. 

There is also time for journaling, integration and sharing. You leave with practices that support you to continue to attune to and deepen your relationship with the Sacred Feminine.


What is the Sacred Feminine?: The Sacred Feminine is the fierce, strong energy that allows a person to love deeply, care compassionately and yet be soft and kind in a secure, confident way. It fosters an acceptance of self/Self and a feeling of connection to all/All. 


The next Awakening the Sacred Feminine circle,  hosted by Anne Desneiges and Katharina Reed will be:

 Sunday, February 11, 2024 

 Location: Our Celtic Hearth in Grand Pre, NS. 

 Time: 10.00am - 4:00 pm 

Fee: $197.00 (including HST)


To register or for more information, please contact: or or



"I attended the November 2023 Awakening of the Magdalene circle out of curiosity. Anne and Katharina created a welcoming energy that was immediately felt upon my arrival. I had been working on my heart chakra and was hoping to receive/feel this energy. I tend to be an observer but after experiencing the beautiful meditations and feeling the energies of the sound baths, I felt safe to share my experience with the group. It was magical. I could feel my heartbeat when I placed my hand on my chest for the first time. I left feeling lighter, joyful and very grateful knowing how to genuinely give/receive love because of this experience. I am looking forward to attending the next circle with Anne and Katharina." ~ Donna



Holiday Well Wishes and Hours of Operation

 Our team at Inner Ocean would like to wish everyone a very joyful, peaceful and safe Holiday season!!

 May we all hold Peace, Love and Joy in our HEARTS, so they may manifest in our WORLD. 


Office Holiday Hours

 We are officially closed from Dec 22, 2024 to Jan 2, 2024.

**some therapists are starting their holidays before Dec 22 and some are returning after Jan 2. 


Emails and voicemails will NOT be checked during this time - however, our online systems is available to book-online here. 




The Empathic Heart Course

Calling all Empaths and Sensitives!

Just in time for the holidays.

Come learn HOW and WHY you are empathic plus 5 crucial tools/exercises that can help you thrive through life!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 7:00pm - 9:00pm


 Zoom live (but will be recorded)

 Please register at or call 902-423-1935 and leave your info.



"Stress, Anxieties & Solutions" Course

“Supporting your health in a stressful world”

 With Dr. Anne M Desneiges, DC


•Have you been labelled anxious, hyper-vigilant or irritable?

•Are you empathic? Do you pick up on other people’s emotions or vibes?

•Does your mental or emotional state fluctuate from the slightest trigger?

•Does this describe someone you love?


This 2 part series will teach you the information and tools needed to work with,  and re-train, your nervous system’s responses to anxiety triggers, stress and more…


Wednesday, November 8: Nervous system triggers - origins & solutions

Wednesday, November 15: Taking back control - rewiring, regulating & thriving


Classes are from 7:00pm to 8:30pm live on Zoom and recorded (question period at the end of class will not be recorded). 


Reduced Cost: $50


Don’t miss this life changing course! Register now…


Register at or 902-423-1935 and leave your info



Labour Day Week-end Office Hours 

We would like to wish everyone a wonderful long week-end!!

The front desk will be closed from Friday September 1st to Wednesdays September 6th and will reopen Thursday, September 7th at noon.

The office administrator Linda and Dr. Desneiges are taking some extra time off during this time.

Linda will be checking voicemails and emails randomly during this time, therefore, please be patient for her reply. 

Most of our other therapists are off for the holiday Monday, however, if you have an appointment on Tuesday or Wednesday and need to reach your therapist, please refer to the contact information below:

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:

Colleen Bob:



 Holiday Wishes and Office Closure 


Our family at Inner Ocean would like to wish you, your family and friends a wonderful, peaceful holiday season. 

"May we all re-establish joy and wonder in our hearts. May we all reconnect with our loved ones and with our communities." ♥



Inner Ocean will be closed as of Saturday, December 24th to Monday January 2nd, 2023

We will re-open Tuesday, January 3rd at 12:00pm

 To book an appointment online, please click here


"I have been in our present location since 2004. First as Inner Waves and then Inner Ocean. During that time, I have met wonderful, incredible people and have had the opportunity to work with talented, kind and compassionate therapists. It has been my pleasure to serve our Maritime communities and an honour to help and guide so many individuals on their path back to health.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Linda, our essential office manager, who serves our clients kindly and efficiently - we could not operate without her. I would also like to acknowledge my fellow therapists - who are all brilliant healers in their own right; and YOU, our committed clients and patients. It is such an honour to support you, guide you, and such a joy to see you grow and evolve in your own health. You are inspiring!

I wish all of you a truly joyful and peaceful holiday season. May the true reason for the season bloom within your heart and be shared authentically with all those around you."

Sincerely, Dr. Anne Desneiges 



The Empathic Heart Class


Calling all empaths and sensitives.

 Come learn HOW and WHY you pick up on others’ emotions and even thoughts. 

Why are you extra-sensory?

Are those your emotions or someone else’s?

 This 2hr class will teach you 5 crucial tools and exercises that will help you turn your empathy into thriving abilities. Just in time for the holidays.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 7:00pm.

Cost: $45

 Zoom live (but will be recorded).

 Please register with Linda at or 902-423-1935.

 We will send the Zoom link on Monday and Tuesday to those on the list. 


Instructor: Dr. Desneiges, in addition to being empathic herself, has been an alternative healer and chiropractor for over 25 years. She teaches regularly on health, stress, anxieties and sensitivities. 



Remembrance Day Office Closures


Dr. Desneiges and Linda the receptionist, have both taken some extra days off for the Remembrance weekend.

They will both be out of the office Wednesday and Thursday (Nov 9 & 10).

And the whole office is closed on Friday, November 11.

Everyone will be back in the office on Monday, November 14. 


Emails to will be checked randomly throughout the week; online payments will also be processed randomly.

To book an appointment online, please click here .


To reach your therapist while the front desk is closed, please refer to your confirmation or reminder email;

or refer to the info below:

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:



Stress, Anxieties & Sensitivities 

~ Thriving in the world with a sensitive system

With Dr. Anne M Desneiges, DC


Have you been labelled sensitive or anxious?

Is your nervous system hyper-vigilant?

Are you empathic? Do you pick up on other people’s vibes?

Does your mental or emotional state fluctuate from the slightest trigger?

This 3 part series will teach you the secrets of how your nervous system (and your Self) deals with stress, traumas, triggers and how this impacts your unconscious responses, sensitivities and behaviours.

It will also give you the information and tools needed to re-train your nervous system and emotional responses so that you may have an easier more fulfilling life. 


Tuesday, October 11: Nervous system triggers - origins & solutions

Tuesday, October 18: Trauma induced triggers - origins & solutions

Tuesday, October 25: Taking back control - rewiring, regulating & thriving


Classes are from 7:00pm to 8:30pm live on Zoom and recorded (question period at the end of class will not be recorded).

"Our last Zoom series was a great success. People were able to feel the connection the same as if we were live."


To Register: or call Linda at 902-423-1935

 Early bird special: $200 if paid by Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 Full cost: $250 (after October 4, 2022)



 "I'm still using and working with the tools I learned from the class. They are changing my life". P

"The first session was transformative. The vibration of your presentation allowed me to access my own engagement with the material, and I made changes that significantly improved my life experience. I'm very grateful!" AW

"Dr. Anne's classes... were amazing. Dr. Anne is a highly qualified practitioner and her manner of presentation is very natural... not stiff and formal... which immediately helps lower one's anxiety.  Learning to understand oneself and how highly sensitive people are wired was a huge breakthrough for me.  The tools and exercises that Dr. anne shared during the classes were like "winning the lottery". BC

"I would highly recommence these classes to anyone who is highly sensitive, suffers from anxiety, doesn't feel understood by those around them and wants to learn how to have control over it and live a happier, more relaxed life" BC

"I didn't realize how much my system reacted to unconscious triggers. It has opened up my eyes." CO


About Dr. Anne Desneiges: Dr. Anne has been a chiropractor, educator and healer for over 25 years. 

Her practice specializes in nervous system function, issues and optimization. 

She is also a certified Somatic Experiencing (trauma work) practitioner, and has been doing body trauma work for 4 years. 

She loves educating the public on nervous system function, health, trauma, and Qigong.  




September 5th Labour Day Long-weekend schedule

Have a wonderful long weekend!!



Dr. Desneiges and Linda the receptionist, have both taken some extra days off for the long weekend.

They will both be out of the office from Saturday Sept 3 to Wednesday September 7. They will be back in the office on Thursday, September 8 - starting at noon. 

All therapists are off on Monday, September 5. 

Emails to will be checked randomly throughout the week. To book an appointment online, please click here book-online-now.


To reach your therapist while the front desk is closed, please refer to your confirmation or reminder email. Their contact information should be at the bottom. 

Or refer to the info below:

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:




August 1 Natal Day Long-weekend schedule

Have a wonderful long weekend!!


Dr. Desneiges and Linda, the receptionist have both taken some extra days off for the long weekend.

They will both be out of the office from Friday July 29 to Wednesday August 3. They will be back in the office on Thursday, August 4 - starting at noon. 

All therapists are off on Monday, August 1

Christine Ouellette is away until Thursday, August 4


To reach your therapist while the front desk is closed, please refer to your confirmation or reminder email. Their contact information should be at the bottom. 

Or refer to the info below:

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:




Stress, Triggers & Sensitivities 

~ How to thrive in an uncertain world

With Dr. Anne M Desneiges, DC


Have you been labelled sensitive or anxious?

Is your nervous system hyper-vigilant?

Are you empathic? Do you pick up on other people’s vibes?

Does your mental or emotional state fluctuate from the slightest trigger?


This 3 part series will teach you the secrets of how your nervous system (and your Self) deals with stress, traumas, triggers and how this impacts your unconscious responses, sensitivities and behaviours.

It will also give you the information and tools needed to re-train your nervous system and emotional responses so that you may have an easier more fulfilling life. 


Thursday, June 23: Nervous system triggers - origins & solutions

Tuesday, June 28: Trauma induced triggers - origins & solutions

Thursday, July 7: Taking back control - rewiring, regulating & thriving

Classes are from 7:00pm to 8:30pm live on Zoom and recorded (question period at the end of class will not be recorded).

"Our last Zoom series was a great success. People were able to feel the connection the same as if we were live."


To Register: or call Linda at 902-423-1935

 Early bird special: $200 if paid by Sunday, June 19, 2022

 Full cost: $250 (after June 19, 2022)



 "I'm still using and working with the tools I learned from the class. They are changing my life". P

"The first session was transformative. The vibration of your presentation allowed me to access my own engagement with the material, and I made changes that significantly improved my life experience. I'm very grateful!" AW

"Dr. Anne's classes... were amazing. Dr. Anne is a highly qualified practitioner and her manner of presentation is very natural... not stiff and formal... which immediately helps lower one's anxiety.  Learning to understand oneself and how highly sensitive people are wired was a huge breakthrough for me.  The tools and exercises that Dr. anne shared during the classes were like "winning the lottery". BC

"I would highly recommence these classes to anyone who is highly sensitive, suffers from anxiety, doesn't feel understood by those around them and wants to learn how to have control over it and live a happier, more relaxed life" BC

"I didn't realize how much my system reacted to unconscious triggers. It has opened up my eyes." CO


About Dr. Anne Desneiges: Dr. Anne has been a chiropractor, educator and healer for over 25 years. 

Her practice specializes in nervous system function, issues and optimization. 

She is also a certified Somatic Experiencing (trauma work) practitioner, and has been doing body trauma work for 4 years. 

She loves educating the public on nervous system function, health, trauma, and Qigong.  


Lates Newsletter:


May 24 Long-weekend schedule - Have a wonderful long weekend!!

Dr. Desneiges and the receptionist have both taken some extra days off for the long weekend. They will both be out of the office from Friday May 20 to Wednesday May 25. They will be back in the office on Thursday, May 26 - starting at noon. 

Other therapists:

Friday May 20: Heather Macmillan and Christine Ouellette will be IN the office. 

Holiday Monday, May 23: everyone is out of the office

Tuesday May 24: everyone is back to regular work hours (except for Dr. Desneiges)

To reach your therapist while the front desk is closed, please refer to your confirmation or reminder email. Their contact information should be at the bottom. 

Or refer to the info below: 

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:



"Living in the World with a Sensitive Nervous System" 4 part Course

with Dr. Anne Desneiges

If you are empathic, sensitive, suffer from anxiety, are overwhelmed, hyper-vigilant or overreact… this is the course for you. 

It is designed to help you become aware and give you many tools to support your nervous system. 

So many people are struggling at this time. Life has become insecure, challenging, and throws us into fight or flight daily.  If this is causing you distress and you are finding you have become more sensitive or are unable to cope, join me in learning how to support yourself and your nervous system. 

The course is made up of 4 Zoom classes, every Thursday evening from 7:00-8:30pm

The series will be held on: March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14  live and on Zoom  

Early bird registration: register before Sunday, March 20 for $250

After March 18, full cost is $300  

Call 902-423-1935 or email to reserve your spot or for more information 


Personal message from Dr. Anne 

During February, I increased the regular appointment times to 20 minutes as a trial. I found the extra time allowed me to work with more complex cases successfully, while also having more time with regular patients. As a result, I’ve chosen to continue with longer appointments. The increased time means we can deal with more issues which may lead to better resolution and ultimately less visits.

This may result in less availability in my schedule, so in response, I will be limiting the  number of the new patients I’ll be taking on to give priority to existing patients. Therefore, I will have a new patient waiting list again, so if you’d like to refer someone, please speak with Linda.  

Also, as of March 21, our rates will increase and fee categories will be restructured

There will now only be 3 categories: adult, student, child. 

Adults (which now includes seniors) will be $60/visit

Students (10yrs old to university students) will be $55/visit

Children under 10 will be $35/visit

*We are still open to modifying someone’s fee if they are experiencing financial restrictions.



Good luck Ailsa - we will miss you!!

It is with joy and sadness that we wish Ailsa all the luck and success on her new adventure. 

Ailsa has been with Inner Ocean for the last 7yrs! She is an amazing fascial massage therapist and possesses many other skills - including being a new author! 

She has moved to the valley and has a wonderful new centre of her own - Our Celtic Hearth. Her last day at Inner Ocean will be December 23

Visit to explore all the therapies and services she is offering, including her new book "By the Light of the Crescent Moon".

You can reach Ailsa at or 902-489-5320

'Ailsa, it has been an absolute joy and honour working with you. You will always be part of the family. We will miss you".


Heidi Wambolt, RMT - has joined us and is offering massages on Fridays right now. 

See Heidi's info in an earlier post. 


Christmas Holiday Hours of Operation

The front desk will be closed as of Thursday, December 23. It will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022.

All of our practitioners will also be away starting that week - please refer to our online booking system to see if your therapist is available.

Have a peaceful and enjoyable Holiday Season - and we will see you in 2022!!!


Remembrance Day Hours 


Dr. Anne and the receptionist are away from Wednesday the 10th to Friday the 12th.  

We will be back in the office on Monday, November 15. 

Emails and voicemails will be checked randomly. 


Ailsa Keppie RMT, Donna Jones Rfx, Amanda Henry and Maria DeNicola (counsellors): will be in the office on Thursday the 11th

All therapists are out of the office on Friday

Donna Jones will be in the office on Saturday the 13th.  


You can see individual schedules at our online booking system:


IF you need to reach your therapist directly, refer to the list below. 

Ailsa Keppie: or 902-489-5320

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:


Please Remember to hold a space of Silence and Gratitude for the Freedom we have been given through the lives of others.  




Thanksgiving Hours - Reception desk closed

Dr. Anne and the receptionist are away for the holiday from Monday, October 11 to Wednesday, October 13.

We will be back in the office on Thursday, October 14

Emails and voicemails will be checked randomly. 

Other therapists may also be on holiday. You can see individual schedules at our online booking system:

IF you need to reach your therapist directly, refer to the list below. 

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Ailsa Keppie: or 902-489-5320

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:

Have a wonderful Thanskgiving weekend!!


Office Privacy Policy as of Oct 4, 2021

Per the Canada Health Privacy Act, the privacy of your medical information is a priority in our office and your vaccination status is not required. 

Privacy of medical information applies to patients, staff and therapists. 

Your health and well being is our priority.

As always, if you have cold or flu symptoms please refrain from coming into the office. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment.

Stay happy and healthy!



Heidi Wambolt, Registered Massage Therapist is joining the Inner Ocean team!

You might remember Heidi as our front desk staff. She has now completed her education and massage internship and is joining us on Fridays.

You can book online for one of her 1hr massage. If you prefer 1.5hr, please book with Linda at the front desk. 

Heidi's treatments are a blend of clinical massage therapy intertwined with a relaxing and nurturing experience. Through client education and a holistic approach, she strives to give her patients an experience where they leave feeling inspired to continue their journey of wellbeing. 



Dr. Desneiges away on holiday - Reception desk closed

Dr. Anne and the receptionist are away on holidays from Monday, August 30 to Wednesday, September 8.

We will be back in the office on Thursday, September 9

Emails and voicemails will be checked randomly. 

Other therapists are also on holiday. You can see individual schedules at our online booking system:

IF you need to reach your therapist directly, refer to the list below. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!!

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Ailsa Keppie: or 902-489-5320

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola: 



Summer updates

Good luck Gloria!

Tuesday, August 10th will be Gloria’s last day of work :(

Gloria was our summer student and an absolute sunshine!  She is going back to school to pursue her dream of medical school. 

We wish her: “good luck and may all the joy you spread come back to you tenfoldThank you for sharing your smile with all of us”. 


Welcome Linda!

Linda will be our new receptionist at the front desk. 

She has a lot of experience in the role and brings much wisdom. However, she'll still be getting used to our system and unique ways, so please make her feel welcome and be patient if she is not familiar with your specific details or file. 


Saranya update

Saranya is taking a leave of absence from Inner Ocean.  A personal family situation is calling her to India and her return date is unknown. We wish her “good luck and all of our prayers are with you and your family”.


Schedule Changes

Dr. Anne has slowed down her schedule for the month of August. Therefore, it might be a bit harder to get an appointment online, however, feel free to call Linda - she can always squeeze you in somewhere. 

Christine, acupuncturist, also has a random schedule for August. If you need an acupuncture appointment and can’t find anything online, feel free to contact Christine directly at




Dr. Desneiges away on holiday - Reception desk closed

Dr. Anne and the receptionist are away on holidays from Monday, July 26 to Tuesday, August 3rd.

We will be back in the office on Thursday, August 5th. 

Emails and voicemails will be checked randomly. 

All other therapists are still in the office. You can book your appointment with them via our online booking system:

To reach your therapist directly, refer to the list below. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!!

Christine Ouellette: or 902-266-3852

Ailsa Keppie: or 902-489-5320

Donna Jones: or 902-825-7073

Denise Lynn:

Heather Macmillan: or 902-220-0146

Amada Henry:

Maria DeNicola:  




Canada Day Closure

Our office is taking a bit of extra time off to celebrate our great country. 

Please refer to the following for our modified hours:

Reception: closed from Wednesday June 30 to Monday July 5

Dr. Desneiges: away Wednesday June 30 to Monday July 5

Christine Ouellette: away Wednesday June 30 to Monday July 5

Heather Macmillan: away Thursday July 1 to Monday July 5

Amanda Henry: away Thursday July 1 to Monday July 5

Maria DeNicola: away Thursday July 1 to Sunday July 4

Everyone else is working their regular hours and days. 

Have a wonderful Canada Day!!! 


Summer Services and Hours 

Our office in now open as per usual, and all of our therapists are back! :)

The reception desk hours for the summer:

Mon 9:30am - 4:30pm  

Tue 9:00am - 6:30pm  

Wed: no reception  

Thu: 12:00pm - 6:30pm

Fri: 9:30am - 4:30pm


Hope to see you soon!




Past News

Easter Hours + Dr. Desneiges holidays

Our reception desk will be closed from Good Friday to Easter Monday.

All therapists are out of the office for Good Friday and Easter Monday - with the exception of Denise Lynn, who is available Easter Monday for Reflexology +.

Dr. Desneiges will also be off for the week following Easter (Friday April 2 to Friday April 9). 

We wish you a wonderful Spring, New beginnings and Easter week-end!! 



Storm Day Protocols - Monday, February 8, 2021

On predicted storm days, each therapist will choose wether to see clients or not. 

If a therapist chooses to cancel their day - they will contact you directly to reschedule your appointment. 


If Dr. Desneiges cancels her day:

  1. and you have an appointment, you will be contacted by one of our admin staff via phone or email. The call may come from an Unknown Caller as the staff will be working from home and calling from their personal phone. 

  2. the front desk will be closed. 

  3. the voice mail message will be updated as soon as the forecast is confirmed and we have made a decision. 

Voicemail messages and emails ( will be checked intermittently throughout the day, but will be replied to on the next business day (unless it's an emergency).

There is NO cancellation fee for anyone who chooses to cancel their appointment EXCEPT if your appointment is with one of the counsellors/psychotherapists. They require 24hrs minimum. 

 If you'd like to reschedule your appointment, you can leave a message at 902-423-1935, or book online on this website. 

Stay safe and warm :)


Inner Ocean Healing Centre Therapists and Staff would like to wish all of our wonderful patrons a very merry holiday and Christmas season.

Stay healthy and safe. …And here’s to a better, easier 2021!!


2020-2021 Holiday Hours Closed on the following dates:

Reception desk: closed from Dec 19 to Jan 3

Dr. Desneiges: Dec 19 to Jan 3

Heather Macmillan, counsellor: Closed Dec 25 to Dec 28 and Dec 31 to Jan 5

Amanda Henry, counsellor: Dec 24 to Jan 3

Christine Ouellette, acupuncture: Dec 24 to Jan 7

Maria DeNicola, counsellor: Dec 19 to Jan 3

Denise Lynn, reflexology: Dec 23 to Jan 3

Donna Jones, reflexology: Dec 20 to Jan 13

Ailsa Keppie, RMT: Dec 18 to Jan 6  



November 2020 


Dr. Desneiges will NOT be offering the Advanced Qigong class.

She has replaced it with the Introduction to Qigong class instead. See details below.


Change of staff: You'll be seeing new faces at the front desk. We are grateful for your patience as everyone settles in. Please introduce yourself and who you are seeing that day to expedite the process. 


Introduction to Qi Gong 

Saturday, November 14th 

Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm

Cost: $100

Register at 902-423-1935 or

For more information:


Past News

Fall Courses 
Dr. Anne Desneiges

Email us for a more detailed handout on any of the courses at


Thriving in the World with a Sensitive System

1st class is: Tuesday, October 20th

Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm Cost: $20

** Register with Susan at 902-423-1935 or

2nd, 3rd and 4th classes: alternating Saturdays starting October 24th, at 10:00am - 11:30am Cost: $250


Women Warriors for Mother Earth 

Saturday, October 24th

Introduction to Boxing at Queensbury Rules Boxing Club 

Dartmouth, NS

Time: 1:15pm - 2:30pm   Cost: $15+tax (to the club)

Registration is mandatory

Club info:


Qi Gong - Advanced

November 14th & 15th - Saturday & Sunday 

Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm each day 
(6 hours class time) Cost: $200

Register at 902-423-1935 or


Email us for a more detailed handout on any of the courses at or check the course page:



1. Kelsey has gone back to school!!   We wish her well and loads of success. If you would like to send her "well wishes", you can email them to and we will forward them to her.  

2. We'd like to welcome Susan as our new receptionist. Susan is in training and is doing very well so far considering the fast pace and high demand of our office.  Please introduce yourself if you have not met her yet. As well, please be patient and considerate as she learns the ins and outs of our systems. 

3. Dr. Spomenka Bizic is leaving us and moving to Ontario to support her family during a health crisis. We will miss her, and she asked me to share with her clients: "I will miss all the great people I've had an opportunity to work with". We send her off with prayers for her family.

4. New Parking Meters in downtown Halifax. They are installing pay towers for street parking instead of meters. Apparently, you put in your license plate so you don't have to walk back to your car to leave the paid ticket. For more info:

While they switch over, if there isn't a parking meter, it's free :)

5. Thumper Canada has their thumpers on sale. Yes, like Dr. Anne uses. The Sport model is for home use. Go have a look

6. Dr. Desneiges will be offering her Chi Gong course and her Thriving in the World with a Sensitive System this fall.  Look for a newsletter with the dates coming in the near future. 

Ailsa Keppie, RMT is offering courses to other health professionals this fall. Please visit her website for more information; especially if you're needing CEUs.

7. The office is closed on September 7, 2020 for Labour Day. Have a wonderful long weekend!  


We're Back to Work !! :)


All of our therapists are back to work except for the psychotherapists - who are still providing their services online. 

Our office protocols are below in bold. Please review before coming in for your appointment.

New office policies:

Dr. Desneiges is no longer doing direct billing. However, most patients have the ability to submit to their insurance company online or via an app, and everyone seems to be reimbursed within a day or two. Other therapists are still direct billing. 

Christine Ouellette, acupuncturist, is now working on weekends as well. Please contact Christine directly to book with her:

Dr. Spomenka Bizic is refocussing her practice to acupuncture and homeopathic drainage. She will be focussing on: women's issues, fertility, PMS, menopause as well as digestion, mood, stress and sleep...

If your children are getting too anxious and stressed with these tough times, remember, Maria DeNicola, is specialized in child psychotherapy and is offering online sessions. 


We have protocols in place for everyone's comfort. Please read to make your appointment time as successful as possible: 

  • Appointments will be scheduled in a way to allow: disinfection time; allow patients/clients the ability to be in and out without touching much of anything, and keep you from running into anyone.

  • Please bring your tap cards (debit/credit) for easy payment. 

  • All our books and 'touchables' are put away for now - including the water jug, so please bring your own water. 

  • Our waiting room is big enough to accommodate 2 people sitting separated. So if you do have to wait, please pick a chair away from anyone else.

  • Our waiting room will be disinfected a minimum of twice per day (the recommended amount suggested by the health department). 

  • We ask that clients use the hand sanitizer on the way in, and on the way out.

  • We are asking for patients/clients to come only at their time of appointment - to avoid anyone sitting in the waiting area.

As well, the usual COVID questions apply: if you have been ill, or experiencing any COVID symptoms, please let us know and stay home. If you have been out of the province, please quarantine for 14 days before coming to our office. As well as if you have come in contact with someone suspected of or is experiencing COVID, please self quarantine for 14 days and refrain from coming to our office. 

The building is also following similar protocol of disinfection and flow of people. They've removed the seats in the main lobby and are asking people to go straight to their appointments.  

Therapists are following their own protocols dictated by their professional associations and approved by Dr. Strang. 

Our goal is always to make you, and keep you, as healthy as possible. 

See you soon!!!


Coronavirus latest update - May 15, 2020

I can't believe that it has been 6 weeks since we closed the office!!! The reception desk is still closed, and as a result, all communication is through our email 

What have we been up to??

Dr. Desneiges is available for in office emergencies. Her schedule is open one week at a time. You can contact her at if you have questions about your condition. 

For stress and anxiety or to fight off depression

Our psychotherapists are all offering online therapy sessions through a secure platform.  If you've never seen one of our therapist, Maria DeNicola is accepting new clients. Go to the Book Online Now page to make an appointment

For your health and immune system

Dr. Spomenka Bizic ND is offering phone/online naturopath appointments for nutrition/vitamin counselling, immune boosting support and more.  Go to our online booking to make an appointment

To boost your spirits

Reflexologists Denise Lynn and Donna Jones are offering remote Reiki Healing sessions. Email them directly at: Denise:  Donna:   Massage therapist Ailsa Keppie is offering remote Theta healing, The Way of the Heart Integrations, at home stretching advice and more.  Email her directly for more information:  or visit her personal Facebook page



Maria DeNicola - our newest Psychotherapist 

Maria has experience providing psychotherapy to children, youth, adults, seniors, couples and families on issues related to anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, self-esteem, parenting, communication, school challenges, grief and loss, addiction, behavioural difficulties, anger management, interpersonal difficulties, separation and divorce, domestic abuse, and family conflicts. 

Maria’s holistic approach is collaborative, trauma-informed and client-centered, and uses the best therapeutic approach for each individual. 

Maria is in the office on Mondays and Fridays; and is available for 15min free consultations.



Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!  The office will be closed on holiday Monday. 

The reception desk will re-open on Tuesday at noon. 

Also, check out our Facebook account Inner Ocean Healing Centre for updates on courses coming up in the office.


 Hurricane Protocol

If there is property damage or loss of power, we may not be open on Monday. Please check our main voicemail to confirm that we are in the office. 902-423-1935


Welcome Amanda Henry!! 

~ psychotherapist and registered counselling therapist

"I believe that when we are able to see ourselves, our lives, and our patterns clearly we open ourselves up to growth, healing, and more meaningful relationships. I am committed to helping my clients move past just trying to get through the day, and toward growth, empowerment, and healing”.

Amanda is a Registered Counselling Therapist Candidate (RCT-C) with a Masters in Counselling Psychology.  Amanda has a particular interest in mindfulness-based strategies. Specifically, she is passionate about Acceptance and Commitment therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and Solution-focused therapy. She works with adults and couples. 

Amanda is in the office Monday to Thursday. 


Office Closed Labour Day Monday 


Dr. Desneiges on holiday...

Dr. Anne will be away  from Monday July 15 to Friday July 19.    Kelsey will be in intermittently Monday to Thursday, but will be checking voicemail and emails daily. 

If you have an appointment with one of our therapist and need to reach them during the week - and the front desk is not responding - please contact them directly at:

Ailsa Keppie: 902-489-5320 (cell)

Christine Ouellette: 902-266-3852 (cell)

Donna Jones: 902-825-7073 (cell)

Heather Macmillan: 902-220-0146 (cell)

Denise Lynn:


Summer hours changes...

Christine Ouellette will be working from 3:30 to 8pm Monday to Thursday during July and August.

Heather Macmillan will now be available on Fridays. 


Welcome Lucy!!

Lucy van den Brink has been a registered massage therapist for 12 years and has currently added Somatic Experiencing (SE) to her practice.

Lucy uses therapeutic touch and somatic listening to explore what shows up in the body such as tension, pain, injury, or trauma patterns.

Lucy brings a healthy sense of curiosity and attentiveness to help guide her clients in their own healing. She is available for Somatic Experiencing (SE) sessions on Fridays.


Victoria Day closure!!

The front desk will be closed on Monday, May 20th. Most therapists are on holiday, except for:

Ailsa Keppie, massage therapist is seeing clients. If you have an appointment and need to get hold of her on that day, please text or call 902-489-5320. 

Denise Lynn, reflexologist, is also in the office and has some availability. To connect with her, please email Denise at Or you can book an appointment with her online from our home page. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!!!